My Classroom Website

Mr. Lee's Classroom Website

About your teacher

I grew up in San Francisco, a big city that is proud of its culture and diversity. I later attended San Diego State University in southern California where the sunshine and pleasant weather dominates most of the year. Asides from teaching, I enjoys reading, playing basketball, dancing, and riding my motor bike while listening to music. Since I believe that people should live freely, follow their passions, work hard and dream big, so I often encourage all of my students to do the same.      

Contact Information


Cell: 0909879341

Classroom Procedures

When Enter the Classroom

•Quietly enter the classroom
•Stow your backpacks, coats and other things to the shelf on the left
•Sit down quietly and start the daily bellwork assignment listed on the white board  

When the Teacher Calls for Your Attention

•When the teacher rings the desk bell
•You will stop talking
•You will stop working on whatever your are doing at the moment
•You will turn and face the teacher
•You will give your teacher your undivided attention


Homework will be posted on the left side of the white board in the beginning of the class daily. Students are responsible to turn in their homework on time or it would result in a deduction of points. Students who were absent will be responsible to look up the missed assignments and homework on the homework-assignment binder located on the teacher’s desk.

This week's homework assignment

Workbook pages 24-31

Upcoming School Events
Open House: Please reserve 27th April from 4:30 – 6:00 PM for open house.
Book Fair: We wiill display thousands of titles aimed at students, parents and teachers on the 28th, 29th and 30th April.
Upcoming Classroom Activities
Project #4: Students to develop a questionaire and conduct a survey on the benefits of online shopping.
Level Reading: Students are to be assessed on their reading skills and be placed into a level reading program to improve reading skill.
Student Recognition 
This week's superstar dual are....
Justin Smith for demonstrating excellent writing skill on the weekly essay.
Jacky Rowe for demonstrating superior and consistant behavior.